Self-worth. It can be so difficult to measure, to feel, to own, to know. _ Comparing yourself to other people’s highlight reels on social media can lead to endless downward spiral into the world of self-pity. While some people do make an effort to post their struggles and difficulties, the social media world can often feel like a curated stream of artificially constructed utopias where everyone is living their best life at all times. It can sometimes feel like you’re looking at millions of shiny happy people who seem to instinctively just fit the mold of some magic formula. When you feel dark and twisted inside, that’s rarely inspiring and more likely leads to self-loathing. _ Judging your worthiness by external standard leads to an addictive cycle of people pleasing or shock-value where you chase engagement and likes as a measurement of your value. Whenever I share about my life on my stories I lose followers. If I let that define me then I will walk a tight rope between doing makes me gain and avoiding what makes me lose. Or I could go against the stream and try to generate interest by pushing buttons to polarize or trigger, in a good or bad way. Either way, I’m left empty, hollow, vapid, with no meaning. _ The social media algorithm is not a metric of inner happiness. It’s also not there to help you become a more balanced, well-rounded, peaceful, loving human being. It’s there to bring in ad-revenue for the mega-corporations that control online space. Maybe we need a new algorithm—one designed by engineers with the stated intention of evolving the human race, founded on love, kindness and peace... @zuck are you listening? _ Years ago I stopped weighing myself because I didn’t want to be defined by that number. I am officially done with checking the amount of followers I have and whether something I do makes me gain or lose. I am officially done with placing “engagement” as a meaningful measure of the value of what I share. _ I am interested in intimacy, connection, depth, and presence. I am ready to define myself by own standards of integrity. _ I choose to look for love in my own heart and be delighted by the journey of life.

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月1日 03時29分

Self-worth. It can be so difficult to measure, to feel, to own, to know.
Comparing yourself to other people’s highlight reels on social media can lead to endless downward spiral into the world of self-pity. While some people do make an effort to post their struggles and difficulties, the social media world can often feel like a curated stream of artificially constructed utopias where everyone is living their best life at all times. It can sometimes feel like you’re looking at millions of shiny happy people who seem to instinctively just fit the mold of some magic formula. When you feel dark and twisted inside, that’s rarely inspiring and more likely leads to self-loathing.
Judging your worthiness by external standard leads to an addictive cycle of people pleasing or shock-value where you chase engagement and likes as a measurement of your value. Whenever I share about my life on my stories I lose followers. If I let that define me then I will walk a tight rope between doing makes me gain and avoiding what makes me lose. Or I could go against the stream and try to generate interest by pushing buttons to polarize or trigger, in a good or bad way. Either way, I’m left empty, hollow, vapid, with no meaning.
The social media algorithm is not a metric of inner happiness. It’s also not there to help you become a more balanced, well-rounded, peaceful, loving human being. It’s there to bring in ad-revenue for the mega-corporations that control online space. Maybe we need a new algorithm—one designed by engineers with the stated intention of evolving the human race, founded on love, kindness and peace... @マーク・ザッカーバーグ are you listening?
Years ago I stopped weighing myself because I didn’t want to be defined by that number. I am officially done with checking the amount of followers I have and whether something I do makes me gain or lose. I am officially done with placing “engagement” as a meaningful measure of the value of what I share.
I am interested in intimacy, connection, depth, and presence. I am ready to define myself by own standards of integrity.
I choose to look for love in my own heart and be delighted by the journey of life.

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