thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 10月12日 05時44分

Photo by @stephsinclairpix / @tooyoungtowed // Baby Seibureh, 17, and Claude Seibureh, 48, of Freetown, were married during the Ebola crisis. Because of her small stature, Baby needed a cesarean section to safely give birth to their son, Joseph. While child marriage is a critical issue in both crisis and stable contexts, the rates of girls married underage is rising at alarming rates in humanitarian settings according to Girls Not Brides. •

Today is the 7th annual International Day of the Girl Child. Poverty, violence, and cultural traditions oppress millions of girls in every part of the world. It is still a global struggle to have girls valued for more than their bodies — for just their sexuality, fertility and labor. Today we come together to help galvanize support and inspire the international community to do its part to establish, expand and protect girls’ rights so girls are free to determine the course of their own lives. It’s also a time to celebrate girls in every way, which is long overdue. To learn more please visit my nonprofit organization’s website at @tooyoungtowed #IDG2018 #tooyoungtowed #endchildmarriage #canonusa #canonexploreroflight @CANON USA


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