NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 11月30日 06時00分

Like tiny specks of light drifting between galaxies — @NASAHubble found more than 22,000 globular clusters in the intergalactic space of the Coma cluster of galaxies.

They have been orphaned from their home galaxy due to galaxy near-collisions inside the traffic-jammed cluster. Hubble revealed that some globular clusters line up along bridge-like patterns. This is telltale evidence for interactions between galaxies where they gravitationally tug on each other like pulling taffy.
Because globular clusters are much smaller than entire galaxies — and much more abundant — they are a much better tracer of how the fabric of space is distorted by the Coma cluster's gravity. In fact, the Coma cluster is one of the first places where observed gravitational anomalies were considered to be indicative of a lot of unseen mass in the universe — later to be called “dark matter.” Among the first structures formed in the universe, these “specks” house some of the oldest stars.
#space #telescope #Hubble #cosmos #universe #galaxy


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