ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 1月8日 05時57分

“On first viewing, Sugimoto’s photograph appears to be empty, a void. It is only after careful looking—a kind of sustained attention, like your eyes adapting to a room suddenly falling dark—that the subtle Ionian seascape emerges. The faint light shed by the moon on the water is a rewarding surprise for the viewer. I love this work because that adjustment reminds me of those briefly disorienting moments of darkness that we all experience at some point in our lives, which, with patience, gradually reveal familiar shapes.” –Argyro Nicolaou (@slvr_rg), 12-month intern in our Department of Media and Performance Art

Inspired by Bruce Nauman, our staff members are celebrating the many ways art pushes us to pay attention and look closer. Explore more #MoMApicks: mo.ma/picks

[Credit: #HiroshiSugimoto. “Ionian Sea, Santa Cesarea.” 1993. Gelatin silver print. Gift of Susan and Peter MacGill. © 2018 Hiroshi Sugimoto]

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