ジェン・セルターのインスタグラム(jenselter) - 3月13日 04時03分

I have to admit it’s hard for me to open up on this platform of perfection. Throughout my fitness journey, my biggest lesson was the necessity to not only work on my body but also work on my mental health.
After suffering from anxiety for years, I decided to speak to a therapist who suggested that I take back up yoga and meditation.
At first, I was hesitant towards making this apart of my weekly routine since I was consumed with work 24/7, it was hard for me to relax and find a work-life balance. However, it wasn’t until I was 24 that I fell in love with the practice and committed to a dedicated schedule. Now, at 25, I’m working hard towards learning to relax and live in the moment. Yoga and meditationhelp me do this by freeing my mind and reminding me to focus on my breathing.
The reason I wanted to share all of this with you is because my @ALO Yoga family started an incredible movement to bring free online yoga + meditation courses to school kids all around the world #ALOGIVES

Join this movement with me by writing the age you first practiced yoga/meditation on your hand and share it on your page <3


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