スミソニアン博物館のインスタグラム(smithsonian) - 6月25日 06時30分

Another gorgeous wedding photo on your feed: Susette La Flesche (Inshata-Theumba, Omaha) wore this skirt and jacket trimmed in hand-stitched silk, satin and lace to marry Thomas Tibbles in July 1881. It's now in @smithsoniannmai.
Raised with Omaha and Western culture, La Flesche was born in present-day Nebraska, into a family descended from significant tribal leaders on both sides.
In 1877, she witnessed the expulsion of the Ponca from Nebraska to Indian Territory and the subsequent imprisonment of Standing Bear and other Poncas who attempted to return to their homeland.
These events launched La Flesche's career as an activist. She visited eastern cities, arguing against the involuntary removal of Native people and for Indian citizenship rights.
Both La Flesche and Tibbles played major roles in the 1879 civil rights decision that ended the Ponca imprisonment and led to the historic ruling, “An Indian is a person within the meaning of the law of the United States.” Their wedding was held on restored Ponca land. #BecauseOfHerStory


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