アンドレア・フエンテスのインスタグラム(andreafuentes83) - 8月11日 11時33分

A lot of people asked me about motivation and how to maintain it after my last post. Lots of swimmers but lots of coaches too! If you practice, coach a group or have friends and family involved in Synchro, you know it’s a VERY hard sport, but some paranormal phenomenon make us come back to the pool everyday 🤷‍♀️ As a swimmer I always thought the coaches had the responsibility to build motivation. Of course it’s easier if you have a group with a lot of natural enthusiasm, but a coach can make this positivism disappear too. A lot of coaches complain about their swimmers, (like the 99% of the swimmers complain about their coaches 😂) and tell me that it depends on them, “is their job to find it”. I tell them it’s very hard for the coaches to maintain it every day, of course! I know, I’ve experience it, specially if you have a lot of other inputs against, but I still think (as a coach), that is our job. We need to educate ourselves on better leadership, not only pure Synchro technique or choreography. What do you think? What do you think motivates your swimmers? Swimmers, what motivates you from a coach?


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