ギャランス・ドレのインスタグラム(garancedore) - 11月20日 22時04分

Hi!!! Yeah! From bed. .
Em and I found the secret to life when it comes to flying towards Europe and it’s the bloody day flight!!! .

You know how usually you leave in the evening after a full day and then you get traffic on the way to the airport and then you spend a weird 4h night sleeping amongst snoring strangers and then you hit the morning traffic on the way to town and then you try to take a shower and pretend like you’re alive for the rest of the day, which you’re not, let’s be honest you’re total return of the walking dead 🧟‍♀️ and then no matter how much melatonin and caffeine you pump in your system it takes you a week to adjust and recuperate?
I know, probably one of the worst of the first world problems.
Well we solved it. .

For some reason we booked a day flight, knowing very well we would lose an entire day (we left at 8am and arrived at 8pm) and that I’d tell myself I’d work but would end up watching Animal Kingdom - Em pretended the WiFi wasn’t working in order to justify her laziness which totally wasn’t true since I was using it but hey we all find our own excuses (I didn’t have one, I’m just lazy and I wanna what shady stuff Smurf will do next).
Anyway so we booked a day flight, did absolutely nothing the whole time, and arrived in London, no traffic, straight into our beds for a long night, and since then, we’ve been on fire.
No return of the walking dead for us. No jet lag, just a tiny yawn around 3pm.
Anyway I thought it was a very important health message 😂 - I stopped doing the awful LA - NYC red eye a while back (this one is the worstest) but now I know my plan for Europe.
Sleep + rest = mental health, and mental health is everything.
And I joke about it, but I’m actually super serious about it. So that’s it! Let’s go to bed. Let’s lose a day when necessary, so we can live the ones after, fully.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




