シャーロット・デュリフのインスタグラム(chadurif) - 12月5日 04時51分

What intense last few weeks... It's been a real rollercoaster, with some very good moments spent in France with my family and also at the Olympic Qualifying Event in Toulouse watching so many friends fighting for their tickets to @オリンピック with a successful highlight on 🇫🇷 @juliachanourdie and @bassamawem and 🇺🇸 @kyra_condie and @ナサニエル・コールマン 😀 Toulouse was also a great meeting point regarding some exciting projects I'm working on for the @ifsclimbing and @2020年東京オリンピック.

But all this was over shadowed by @エミリー・ハリントン 's scary accident in Yosemite (glad you're good girl!) and mostly the bad news of @bradgobright 's fatal accident in Mexico 🖤 It's a shock for myself and for the entire climbing community. I got to hang with Brad few times and everytime has left me the memory of a great human being and talented rockclimber. Brad will be missed.

#tb photo by @_drew_smith_ from a photoshoot in Bishop. Brad climbed first, comfortable with the solo exposure, and watched me follow, keeping kind eyes and words on me while I ascent up.


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