NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 12月10日 04時16分

Making art with the Moon. 🎨 Ernie Wright explains how beautiful maps like this one are key to future lunar exploration:
“I work at the Scientific Visualization Studio at Goddard. The studio uses data from NASA missions to create animations that explain that data. It was never going to be in the cards that I become an astronaut, but to me this is the next best thing. I get to work on Moon data and continue this legacy of figuring out what's going on at the Moon.
We care about detailed mapping of the Moon because it helps us tell a complete story of the Moon as a system and because we want to find places to go in the future. During the Apollo era [1961-1972], NASA astronauts only visited six spots. They were all on the near side of the Moon and close to the Moon's equator. If you were exploring Earth and landed at six places near the equator, you wouldn't know a whole lot about Earth. The Moon's South Pole is a very different kind of place from where we've been before, and that's the best reason to go.”
NASA's Artemis program will land American astronauts on the Moon by 2024. Maps like these are helping NASA plan for safe and successful missions. Want to make your own lunar art? Check out our story to learn about the “CGI Moon Kit” Ernie created.


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