ウド・ノイマンのインスタグラム(_udini_) - 2月24日 17時41分

the best climbing coaches are Orangutan moms!
In 2011 I had the privilege to follow a mom and her child through the jungle near the village Ketambe in Sumatra’s Leuser ecosystem.
Orangutan mothers take single parenting to the next level. These highly intelligent apes look after their young for eight years; longer than any other animal single parent.
Female Sumatran orangutans only have a baby once every nine years (they continue to have babies into their 40s), and because they take such a long time to raise each one, mum and baby build exceptionally strong social bonds. Only humans have a similar intensive relationship with their mothers. Primatologists believe that orangutans have such long childhoods because there is so much that they need to learn before they can live alone successfully.
They are about 20m up in this video, so a fall would be lethal. In every instance, the mum is aware of where her child is and supports and spots it if needed.
Orangutans are the most arboreal of the great apes and spend most of their time in trees where they travel from branch to branch by climbing, clambering, and brachiating. They possess extremely flexible hip joints that allow for great mobility, and their big toes are able to grasp just like a hand.

Unfortunately there are only about 6.000 wild Orangutan left in Sumatra.
Threats to wild orangutan populations include poaching, the illegal pet trade and habitat destruction as a result of palm oil cultivation.
So one thing we all can do for the survival of Orangutans is avoiding products with palm oil. Palm oil is an important ingredient for the food industry, used as a cooking oil or in the production of processed foods (such as many types of chocolates, biscuits, chewing gum...) and for the manufacture of cosmetic and hygiene products (soaps, lipstick, washing powder…) It is also used for the production of so-called biodiesel.
Till palm oil production can’t guarantee to be sustainable and doesn’t ruin primary rain forests or violate the land rights of local people I try to avoid it whenever I can!
#orangutans #orangutanmother #climbingperformancecoaching #climbing #palmoilfree #palmoilkills #brachiation #arboreal


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