クリスティ・ルーカジアックのインスタグラム(christilukasiak) - 5月29日 04時01分

How many times do you think I said "There's a snake in my boot!" during this photo? If you said one thousand, you would be correct. Mom jokes for days.....🤣⁠

Every once in awhile, I'm still shocked that I am responsibile for other humans. Like, SHOCKED. 😳⁠

So often, I get asked for mom advice or told "I want to be a mom like you!" so here are some of my favorite "mom-ing" tips. You might wanna save this for reference. ⁠

1️⃣ Keep them alive⁠
No joke. When you leave the hospital with a newborn, it's SCARY. And then you have 90 zillion people telling you all the things to do "right" and THEN you have social media to make you feel like a failure because you didn't do your Twice-Daily-Infant-Massage-Session. Feed them. Change them. Bathe them. And get sleep. The basics. And cut yourself some slack. This sh*t is HARD.⁠

2️⃣ Hold them accountable⁠
Even little kids can have responsibilities, like "pick up your toys." Older kids can obviously have more responsibilities (do your homework, make your bed, nothing too crazy) but make sure they actually DO it. And if they don't, there needs to be consequences. Which leads me to....⁠

3️⃣ Follow through⁠
If they drop the ball on Number 2, there must be consequences. Do not be the "empty theat parent", who counts to 3, but really gives the kids 67 and never, ever actually gets to three. You know them. But make sure the punishment fits the crime. ⁠

4️⃣ Look them in the eye⁠
Yep. Weird, right? Not really. Look at them and listen to what they are saying because sometimes, the real messages lie beneath the surface. And my girls' real and best personalities come out when I am paying attention. GOD, they are funny and make me laugh. If I wasn't paying attention, I would miss that.⁠

There are a billion more, but these are my fast four for today. Hope they help and lemme know your fav parenting hack, too! 💋


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