グウィネス・パルトローのインスタグラム(gwynethpaltrow) - 6月11日 06時29分

Wellness is a 4.2 trillion dollar industry today. With new products and services entering the space almost daily. A growing number of women of color are establishing businesses and personal brands in the wellness space. Many of them are reclaiming their ancestral traditions that have been co-opted, appropriated, repackaged and sold online and in shops around the globe.

I’ve watched the wellness industry grow from the fringes to the forefront and I’ve also watched how even more exclusive it became. For years I would be the only black speaker or person of color invited to conferences or to speak on panels, and sometimes the only woman. The same for yoga spaces and meditation. I’ve been offered way less money to do the same job for something that I was over qualified for, which many black and POC wellness practitioners can relate to. There are so many over qualified teachers, speakers, leaders, who don’t get the recognition for their brilliance because they are black, or because of their size, etc. Its time to not only make space, but make room - accommodate, celebrate and compensate.

While there are so many amazing companies and brands founded by black women and POCs, I wonder if you can name 10 such brands. It is really hard for businesses to scale when men get the lion's share of venture capital, with only 2% going to U.S.- based female-only founder teams. Of that 2%, women of color get only a fraction. And black women get even a tinier sliver. So even if you have an incredible business there are barriers to growth beyond your control.

That is why the first of today’s actions is for you to identify 10 black-owned wellness brands (these can be personal brands or companies), and start supporting them. Follow them on Instagram, (you can even tag some of your favorites below) join their mailing lists, purchase their products and services. If you have the ability to feature them or amplify them through media - do it! Next, lift brilliant black wellness leaders, pay for their products and services interview them for your media outlets, hire them for consulting, keynotes and panels. Invest in us. 🙏🏽 #sharethemicnow


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