グウィネス・パルトローのインスタグラム(gwynethpaltrow) - 6月11日 08時09分

BLACK LIVES MATTER. The movement for black lives is about preserving BLACK LIFE. There are real systemic barriers to the safety and preservation of black life. It’s about dismantling a system that is unfit to serve black and brown birthing people.
In the U.S., maternal mortality and morbidity disproportionately affect Black women at a rate 4-5 times greater than white women. In New York City, Black women are 8 to12 times more likely than white women to die as a result of pregnancy & birth-related causes. In U.S there is a complex history of racial and ethnic bias that renders women of color and black women especially vulnerable during pregnancy, birth and the early postpartum period. Its not an issue of race, its racism. There are systemic inequities that lead to such disparities: poor access to adequate health care and insurance, medical racism, food deserts, red-lining and lack of intra-community resources, lack of generational economic mobility. Medical racism means black women are often neglected, micro-agressed, under diagnosed, untreated, dismissed, and perceived to have a higher pain tolerance than white women. This belief dates back to the 1700s in medical journals that described enslaved black women.
Black women are statistically more likely to experience comorbid illnesses and pregnancy complications, including higher rates of hypertension, asthma, placental disorders, gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. These factors are exacerbated by the lived experience of racism. Chronic stress and intergenerational trauma impacts our health and wellbeing. Higher education, economic stability and access to prenatal care improves the birth outcomes for white women but these factors don’t protect black women from maternal mortality, just ask @セリーナ・ウィリアムズ who nearly died after her daughter's birth.
We should all be furious that Black women are dying from preventable pregnancy-related causes. Until black maternal health is front and center as a human rights issue- it will only be seen as a black issue. If you consider yourself a feminist, an ally- this is your issue too. This is a problem for all of us. See stories for more. xo @Glowmaven


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