下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 7月6日 07時20分

Repost @praise.shadows.art

Our online exhibition 'Home Sweet Home' featuring watercolors by Yuri Shimojo (@下條ユリ) is still on view!⁠

"This works began as a test drawing on a Japanese handcrafted paper sample. This paper was so elegantly smooth, that a mystical creature appeared." -- Yuri Shimojo. Link in bio to see it on @Artsy.⁠

10% of all profits will be donated to Creative Growth (@creativegrowth), the Oakland, California-based not-for-profit that serves artists with disabilities by providing a professional studio environment for artistic development, gallery exhibition, and representation. Donations will directly help the Creative Growth community stay connected, reducing social isolation in a vulnerable population.⁠

#YuriShimojo #WorkonPaper #CreativeGrowth #BenefitSale #Artsy #JapanesePaper



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



