レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 7月10日 06時49分

What we’ve been taught about American “history” is not the whole story and most likely, is a gross misrepresentation of the facts. There are no “alternate facts”, just, the truth. Be aware of people and institutions that deceive us to paint a picture that benefits their own narrative. We don’t need to “make America great again” - we need to hold America accountable. America has never been free or just for all, only for some. My mother was born on a plantation in Luxora, Arkansas. She picked cotton as child, she had no choice, she did it to survive. Will we fight together for the equality we have so desperately been waiting for- from being stripped of our land, our culture and dignity and being regarded as 3/5 of a human, to being legally segregated, prohibited from reading, marrying, using public restrooms, owning property, living in communities, and voting. Fear, racism, bigotry, anti-semitism and prejudice are tools used to divide us, Black, White, Brown, Asian, Indigenous; Jewish, Christian or Muslim; straight or LGBTQ+; Democrats, Republicans or Independents, we must put aside our tribal differences. It is time we acknowledge the roles we’ve played in the atrocities that have been committed against one another, if we refuse, more innocent lives will be lost. America is at her best when she delivers on the promises of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness- when she is holding space for all of us to realize our hopes and dreams. We must speak out for others! America will be great when we all stand up for one another! We are all apart of the human race and we are all worth fighting for!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



