テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 7月23日 04時00分

Oh you know, just the life of a single mom trying to take a bath & your toddler is pissed off that you asked him to pick up 5 toys. It’s the end of the world, he doesn’t love me or his brother anymore too. So after them both running in the bathroom about 100 times to tell on each other (my older son is innocent in this btw ⚖️), I tell Bowie “you have 5 mins to pick those toys up before I get out of this bath or you aren’t watching tv” & he runs in (last slide) like he didn’t just spend 20 mins terrorizing us over picking up 3 legos & a plastic hanger aka his sword. But you know, go off lol 🙃🙃🙃 #parentingisntglamorous


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