Paige Hathawayのインスタグラム(paigehathaway) - 8月18日 04時25分

I’m baaackk, 😝 but better than ever! It’s took me nearly a year but I feel so much stronger than I was post baby. To everyone who said “You’re fat now!” or “Having a baby ruined your body” : YOU WERE WRONG!!! Babies don’t ruin you.. They make you feel like you can do anything and they give you strength that you never knew you had.

Don’t listen to haters or people that criticize you. They are just waiting for you to fail. Allow their negativity to fuel you. Fuel you to be better than ever before!! Show them and yourself that you CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TOO AND THEN DO IT! You gotta ignore the criticism, believe in yourself and work your butt off every day!

Thank you to everyone who was encouraging and supportive during this journey! I’ve had some tough moments and you guys stood by me the whole way! Some of you have supported me for years and I just appreciate you so freaking much. Thank you! ✨

Don’t ever give up on yourself because there is nothing more beautiful than when you prove to yourself how strong you really are! @fitin5challenge


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