Phil Heathのインスタグラム(philheath) - 8月22日 05時51分

As many may know I am a huge fan of American muscle cars as I follow a variety of IG accounts. One of which is @nelsonracingengines and when Tom reached out about an employee of his being a fan, I wanted to assist by giving Rudy some love for all of the hard work he does and sign a couple of pics for him. Seeing his reaction was honestly something which made my day, so thank you Rudy @therealdiablito for allowing me to share this moment and also Tom for hitting me up.

An old coach would tell me, “you never know who’s watching so make sure you’re doing right in life and work hard as hell no matter what!” I’m appreciative that I have fans who I can inspire and also watch their stories of triumph as it creates a circle of positivity and hard work.

Oh and once I do another project on a muscle car, I will need one of these badass engines. If you haven’t followed these guys- you’re missing out!


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