ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 9月11日 00時55分

Before and after I started strength training. Same happy me 10 years apart! I’ve always been happy in my own skin even though my shape has clearly changed in these pictures, I was happy in both. Obviously the physical difference is clear to see, I got me some biceps 💪🏼 😏 But the main difference, the most important difference between them, you can’t see. Although I didn’t see it at the time, in the first picture I was far from healthy. I was tired a lot, eating a lot of fast food or skipping meals, regular nights out on Friday & Saturdays followed by the hangover and junk food Sunday’s, my skin was having regular breakouts, I was bloated a lot, wasn’t sleeping great and at the time, I just thought it was normal. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad I had those years, I clearly enjoyed them 😂 Me and the girls have stories we have to take to the grave as they can’t be repeated lol! But I’m so pleased I soon discovered and realised that good nutrition and regular exercise is key if you want everything else in life to flow better. I feel so much better from taking good care of myself. My skin is better, my sleep is better, I have more energy, I’m physically and mentally stronger which puts me in a great headspace to be the best mum and partner I can be. I think you must do the whole “party stage” of course! Make the memories and take the pictures, but know when to stop or slow down and make the changes. This isn’t your practice life. And when it comes to our health it’s crucial we do what we can to keep it a priority. Obviously some things happen that we have no control over but in this day and age when we have the choice to try and keep ourselves going as best we can, we’d be daft not to act on it. Your future self will thank you big time. 🧘‍♀️ ❤️ 🚴‍♀️ 🏋🏼


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