下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 9月13日 13時44分

Red was the first color of Unbroken Line series. It started around summer 2019 as commemoration. Honoring a connection with a person, or with a place, or with time, serendipity and memories. Longing for continuity in ephemeral life.


Japanese Mythology “Red Thread of Fate”
( larger than lovers )
According to this myth, the gods tie an invisible red thread by the pinky fingers of those that are destined to meet one another in a certain situation or help each other in a certain way. They are destined to meet, no matter how far apart they live or how much their life circumstances differ. And, when it happens - that encounter is certain to profoundly affect both of them. The two people connected by the red thread are destined each other, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.

This Red is called #えんじ色 #Enjiiro


Photo : Will Howcroft

#赤い糸 #RedThreadOfFate
#YuriShimojo #下條ユリ


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



