Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 9月22日 04時09分

Yesterday a woman who identified as pro-life left me a direct message about her point of view that government should not be involved in a woman’s decision with what to do with her body. I thanked her for sharing her perspective and then asked her, “Honest question. What is the difference between your belief and being pro-choice?” After a lengthy exchange where she mostly talked it out with herself, she realized she is in fact pro-choice. After sharing that exchange on my story and sharing my own explanation of being pro-choice, I started having the most interesting, constructive conversations with women in my direct messages who felt similarly. Turns out, there are many conservative women who follow me who didn’t realize they are actually pro-choice. I also got messages from women who believe life starts at conception, but value the whole life and vote for Democrats because their policies help take better care of people after they are born. There were also pro-life women who said they vote for Democrats because their policies have been proven to decrease the number of abortions. I also got messages from a number of women who considered themselves pro-life until they were under a set of circumstances that led them to terminate a pregnancy. They talked about how tortured they were by that decision and the guilt they live with, even in cases where their lives were at risk. I am putting this all here because I think constructive conversations are the only way we are going to get past this low point in our history. We can have differing points of view but still see eye to eye on some things. It is not an echo chamber on this account even though it feels like it sometimes. It is not black and white with everyone on one side or the other either. There are reasonable people who are still coming to terms with their beliefs. There are Republican women who no longer identify with their party but don’t feel like they fit in with the Democrats either. They are listening. Let’s show them kindness and educate them about the wide array of beliefs that exist on the other side.


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