下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 9月26日 10時57分

Repost @praise.shadows.art

Sunday Sep 27 * Closing event

Spend part of your Sunday with Yuri Shimojo and her Unbroken Line paintings, which will be closing in Boston that day. We are offering two ways of connecting with the artist and her work.⁠

One: join a virtual gathering on YouTube Live by using the link in our bio. We will share a short film about this body of work, created by Toddy Stewart with music by Aki Onda. The 30 min experimental session is from noon to 12:30 pm EST. Following the film will be a looping presentation of Shimojo's own writing about the colors selected for these paintings. Throughout the entire 30 minutes, there will be no speaking, just sound and music, and sometimes nothing but your own breath. It's her way of sharing this incredibly meditative process with all of you, wherever you may be.⁠

Two: join Yng-Ru Chen, the organizer of the exhibition, in person at Boston's @kingstongallery in @sowaboston from 2:30 to 5:00 pm. The gallery is open to the public, and social distancing protocols will be observed, so wear your mask!⁠

Join virtually, physically, and either way, you are participating spiritually. We all need this.⁠



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



