Nicole Mejiaのインスタグラム(nicole_mejia) - 10月18日 02時05分

Greetings friends 🌾

I’ve been spending the majority of my social media time connecting with the women from this JUMP group the past two weeks, but I wanted to check in with all of you.

This has been a season of loss for so many. In the group we’ve heard from a beautiful soul who’s lost four family members to Covid. Another who lost her mom to cancer. Another who just ended a long term relationship. Several who are still reeling from job loss. Many who are lonely and isolated due to social restrictions.

This has been a season of elective stripping away and transformation for many, but for others, there has been sudden loss that triggers deep grief and sorrow.

Loss of loved ones.
Loss of freedoms.
Loss of jobs and financial securities.
Loss of friendships, intimate relationships, and past selves that no longer fit the demands or restrictions of current life.

And with all that loss comes so much room for new growth, but it also comes with its share of grief and requires space for mourning.

I haven’t been immune to loss over the past several months.

I understand that there are days where you feel free of the sorrow. Your heart beams and your energy soars, as you see the loss as a part of your growth and journey that’s leading you to who and where you are meant to be.

And then there are days where you where wake up underwater, trying to find the surface, gasping for air, as a wave of sadness strips your battered heart bare.

And that’s how healing occurs, right?

In waves, washing over us, cleansing us, teaching us how to swim through storms, and then how to surrender and ride the currents.

My hope for you, if this post resonates, is that you make space for yourself.
That you allow yourself to feel so that you can move through.
That you have the courage to meet yourself deeply.
That you trust the process of healing.
That you channel your emotions into movement, expression, art, or other projects.
That you realize that a broken heart is actually an open heart. ♥️
And that you still see beauty and feel joy in periods of sadness.

You are not broken.
You are being called home to heal.

Sending love to anyone who is mourning today.
*virtual hug*


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