OFI Australiaのインスタグラム(ofi_australia) - 11月5日 15時55分

It's #Orangutan Awareness Week at OFI! Follow along as we share our work & invite you to join our mission in saving orangutans & their rainforest habitat.🌳

Termites are full of protein and are part of an #orangutan's natural diet in the wild. Whenever our Enrichment Team finds termite nests in the forest, they use them for #enrichment. Michel can't seem to get enough!

For the majority of orangutans in the rehabilitation program at the Care Centre, the most important enrichment that we can give them are daily trips to the surrounding 80 hectare forest.

The very best way to keep orangutans out of care is to SAY NO TO PALM OIL.

Please consider a donation to support our work, the link is in our BIO 💚

#saynotopalmoil #OrangutanAwarenessWeek #fosteranorangutan #donate ____________________________________
🦧 OFIA Founder: Kobe Steele kobe@ofiaustralia.com OFIA Patron: Dr Birute Galdikas @drbirute @orangutanfoundationintl @orangutan.canada
www.orangutanfoundation.org.au 🦧 🧡 🦧
#orangutan #orphan #rescue #rehabilitate #release #BornToBeWild #Borneo #Indonesia #CampLeakey #saveorangutans #palmoil #deforestation #destruction #rainforest #environment #nature #instanature #endangeredspecies #criticallyendangered #wildlife #orangutanfoundationintl #ofi #drbirute #ofiaustralia


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