ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月11日 12時34分

Photo by @tamaramerino_photography / Mbacke, a Senegalese immigrant in Spain, sits in his cave in the Sancromonte hill. Though the Sacromonte caves are known as for their large Roma community, residents of the caves come from around the globe. In southern Spain, the rocky formations first served as a sanctuary from wild storms and predatory animals. Later, they offered protection from religious and racial persecution. Now, the structures are home to unique and quietly proud communities who have eschewed modern life for the peaceful solitude of the mountains. This photo is part of my series Underland, which documents communities living underground or in caves around the world. And each of the communities I’ve documented—from Australia and Spain to the United States—have their own socio-cultural, environmental, economic, or religious reason for living underground. Follow me on @tamaramerino_photography for more photos from Underland. #caves #undergroundhouse #underland


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Michelle Lewinのインスタグラム
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