テート・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(tate) - 1月26日 01時25分

Theaster Gates’ ‘Civil Tapestry 4’ 2011

In May 1963, a group of black school children and students were marching peacefully for equal rights in Birmingham, Alabama. Police used powerful fire hoses to break up the march, injuring many of the young protestors.

@theastergates has arranged strips of decommissioned fire hoses in this work to resemble the composition of a 1960s American abstract painting — a form that pointedly failed to engage with the Civil Rights movement.

Gates also questions whether the 1963 protestors’ goals have been reached today: ‘Some of us are slightly better while others are a great deal better’, he has reflected, ‘but… things are far from equal’.

Head to our IGTV to learn more about the history and significance of this artwork with Assistant Curator Carine Harmand.


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