アニー・スラスドーターのインスタグラム(anniethorisdottir) - 2月1日 05時21分

I try to make it a habit to do a check in every Sunday. I evaluate on the week what has gone well and what could be better.

It is often very hard to track changes day today but tracking changes week to week or month to month, make small steps much more visible.

There are still a lot of things I can’t do in training and it’s easy to get demotivated by all the movements I still have to scale, but then remind myself where I was only a few weeks ago, now I have more weight in the bar, can do more reps of the gymnastics, better positions, and getting closer to my old self.

Things worth having don’t come easy.

It’s all about taking one step at a time. One step towards your goal and keep faith in that your hard work will pay off.

#EnjoyTheJourney #Dottir #Hardwork #OneStepAtATime


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