トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 2月18日 17時14分

Personally I love bumping into people that I haven’t seen in years; teachers, old classmates, people I’ve worked with, fans and acquaintances - it always puts a massive smile on my face to see people’s reactions when they realise it’s me and I’m still me. Most of the time people say to me “oh my god I saw you on tv and you’re still you after all of these years! I thought you’d be a diva by now or have a huge ego!” Erm.. nope! Regardless of how much my life may change through fame and success I’m still the same humble down to earth country girl that I’ve always been. My heart and soul cannot be swayed because no amount of money in the world can buy you happiness, it has to come from within. Let’s stop chasing temporary highs and quick fixes that don’t ever last and instead start focusing our time and energy upon positive vibes, quality over quantity and building a firm foundation for the future through passion and inspiration for the work that we do. View your time as the precious blessing that it is, make every day count and continuously work towards achieving your goals and dreams day by day. You are happiest when you are the most free to be yourself and do what brings you joy, love and peace. So be you, wholeheartedly in all that you do! Stay true to yourself, remember where you came from and hold you head high with your sights firmly set on your goals, you’ve got this and I believe in you! 🙌🏻 #soul #goodvibes #vibrations #positivity #beyourself


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



