JYONGRIのインスタグラム(jyongriofficial) - 2月14日 18時23分

Do we talk about love enough?

Love isn’t something that can always be eloquently explained. Maybe it’s more of what can’t be said. Sometimes love is fear, love is vulnerability. Love itself is not hard, but we make it messy.

In a world where being strong can actually be perceived as weakness, and being gentle can sometimes be taken as passive aggressive, true intimacy can be complicated.

Love comes in many forms, starting with self love. Self love is shared and celebrated everywhere, which in my opinion is the only ‘love’ that is consistent whether it be positive or negative throughout our whole lives.

But today, let’s talk about romantic love. Without it being sappy or cheesy.

Romantic love isn’t an unrealistic romance. For me, it’s picking food in your partners teeth at a fancy restaurant. Feeling sexy with a makeup-less face, and ugly crying while watching ‘This Is Us’. It’s the kisses you don’t remember that he gives you in your sleep. It’s planning a trip to Costco, that can feel as exhilarating as planning a vacation. It’s black and beige granny panties that he washes then folds, and still looks at you and says ‘Wow’. It’s when he makes you feel like a queen, like turning your lamp off on your side of the bed when you just can’t be fucked. It’s the way he looks at you when nobodies watching. It’s how he cares for your bestest friends fiercely. It’s when he lights that fire in you, just when you need it. It’s not the random surprises, but the everyday chores you do together. It’s when the laughter becomes painful, because you just can’t stop. The list is endless.

The best love I’ve known, is like having a best friend that you can also appreciate being naked with. It’s knowing that in your weakest moments, you’ll always come out the other end with more to gain. It’s knowing that being together is hard work, but being alone would genuinely suck after knowing this togetherness. A love that can make you feel invincible. And the best part is, the feeling is mutual.

Affection is underrated. It’s Valentine’s Day. Hug the people you love. Then wash your hands, because love doesn’t cure all.

Cheers, Happy Valentine’s Day ❤︎


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