アンドレイ・ペジックのインスタグラム(andrejapejic) - 3月22日 13時16分

Living in New York for the past ten or so years I have frequently been instructed that the average American is a dumb and conservative creature and that I would be foolish to ever go to places like Michigan or Alabama or Arkansas. Manhattan is the cradle, the place to be, the liberal Mecca. LA is fun and Miami is cute but only for a week.
These esteemed women and men of the American upper middle class and elite are entitled to their opinion of course but I am also entitled to call their opinion highly cynical and doubtful. Here are some very intelligent working class people from all over America. In all my years in New York and working in what is supposed to be a progressive environment I found only a handful of people who could sustain a political discussion on this level. I always wondered what do they teach at these Ivy League schools?

@iysse.us @worldsocialistwebsite


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