アンドレイ・ペジックのインスタグラム(andrejapejic) - 4月11日 22時17分

I am a so blown away by this masterpiece “Imitation Of Life” directed by Douglas Sirk. Juanita Moore’s performance was on another level. Douglas paints a vivid and encapsulating picture of 1950’s America while being very critical of it. For me this movie has everything: the ugliness of racism, the emptiness of bourgeois life, the loneliness of self-sacrifice, the dirtiness of show business, the tragedy of how we treat good mothers and the calling into question of the American dream. When Sarah Jane (played fabulously by Susan Kohner) is beaten by her boyfriend when he finds out she is bi-racial I was thinking about how similar the situation was to being a transgender woman today. The director reaches such a high emotional level, I cried more than once. All the performances are so beautiful. Also Lana Turner. This is in my top ten. Here are my three favorite scenes.

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