詩歩のインスタグラム(shiho_zekkei) - 7月3日 18時17分

📷 May 2023
📍 大分県 竹田市 久住高原 / Kuju Plateau , Oita Japan @take_tabi


大分県 #くじゅう連山 の南側に広がる #久住高原 。標高が高くて街明かりがないことから、星空がキレイにみえるスポットです。

ここでの星空鑑賞は今回がはじめて。 5月は深夜になると天の川が地平線上にのぼってくるはず、と思い早めの夕食を済ませて暗闇の中スタンバイ。



大分県豊肥振興局 @houhi.official さんのお仕事で巡ってきました!大分県の他の写真はこのタグでまとめています / Posts of this area can be found in this tag.→ #shiho_oita

Milky Way crossing the night sky! #KujuPlateau is located on the south side of the #KujuMountainRange in Oita Prefecture. The high altitude and darkness make it a beautiful spot for star gazing. This is the first time for me to see the starlit sky here. I thought that the Milky Way should rise above the horizon at midnight in May, so I finished dinner early and stood by in the dark. As my eyes gradually became accustomed to the darkness, I saw the Milky Way rising in the open sky to the south, clearly visible to the naked eye. I wanted to just lie down on the field and watch it... but it was quite cold on top of the mountain even in May, so I ran to the car, shivering and shivering.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



