ジェセニア・バイスのインスタグラム(iamjessenia) - 10月6日 13時52分

It’s better to be SOLA than to be lonely with someone else. You may even find yourself bending and twisting yourself out of recognition in a bid to win over their approval. This can cause you to become alienated from yourself, which results in feelings of tremendous loneliness. If you have been in a situation like this, you may remember the moment you first wondered whether the relationship was really worth the struggle. When you learn to enjoy your own company, you become truly empowered. No longer will you depend on other people’s’ approval to prop up your self-esteem or validate your life choices. Your faith in your own judgement will grow, and you will come to regard yourself as a capable person with much to offer the world. you will know from first-hand experience that being alone is much better than being with someone who makes you feel hollow and inferior.Be the star that was meant to shine bright ✨🫶🏽 SOLA - JESSENIA out EVERYWHERE 🫶🏽🫂


Nunca dejes que nadie te haga sentir que estás pidiendo demasiado, cuando todo lo que pides es lo mínimo. Cuando realmente mereces más que eso. Tómate el tiempo para estar soltero. Tómese el tiempo para sanar, concentrarse en la superación personal, desarrollar la autoestima y esperar una pareja que cumpla con sus criterios y complemente su vida, en lugar de conformarse con menos y potencialmente experimentar insatisfacción o arrepentimientos en una relación.

Team: @criscasmusic @theblkambition @axelbeatz_ @karenrodriguezofficial @nestormartinezofficial & more ✨

#selflove #selfcare #love #loveyourself #positivevibes

#amorpropio #amor #autoestima #motivacion #vida #paz #reflexiones #emociones


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