ネーブ・キャンベルのインスタグラム(americanredcross) - 10月24日 04時00分

In 2021, Molly Koek received an unexpected phone call from her parents — her 79-year-old dad had been taken to the emergency room.

“He had been feeling very weak and lost color in his face,” Molly said. “He didn’t have much energy, and he needed a blood transfusion.”

She was especially concerned because her father tested positive for COVID-19 and just finished radiation as part of treatment for prostate cancer. With multiple health concerns hitting all at once, Molly was terrified he wasn’t going to survive. 💔 She felt helpless being states away and knowing that she wouldn’t be able to visit him with safety protocols at the hospital due to the pandemic.

“I promised myself at the time that no matter what — if he makes it or he doesn’t — that I was going to start regularly donating blood from then on because that was his only hope,” Molly said. “Somehow, he kept getting better, and he’s alive today, which is amazing. He really was on the brink of death had it not been for the blood transfusion.”

Even though she has a fear of needles, she’s kept her promise of donating blood with @RedCrossIL. She found two friends who regularly donate blood, and they all started donating together to keep one another accountable for keeping up with their appointments.

Molly planned a surprise visit to Florida last year for her dad’s 80th birthday and said every day feels like a bonus day with him. ❤️

#RedCross #DonateBlood #GiveBlood #BloodDonor #DonateBloodSaveLives #GiveBloodSaveLives


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