福島県さんのインスタグラム写真 - (福島県Instagram)「【先どり!ふくしまTOPIC Vol.8】「常磐もの」を堪能しよう! 福島県沖で水揚げされた魚は「常磐もの」と呼ばれ、身の締まりや味の良さに定評があります。今回は「常磐もの」を使った料理が味わえるお店を4店紹介します。  【伊達市】海鮮と天ぷら 魚の(うおの) オーナー自ら市場に足を運び、選りすぐった旬の魚を仕入れて提供します。  【郡山市】お食事とお酒の店 益元 お手頃価格の豊富な定食メニューや店主が毎朝仕入れる新鮮な魚が味わえます。  【浪江町】道の駅なみえ 請戸港で水揚げされたシラスを盛った丼や常磐ものを使った海鮮丼がおすすめです。  【いわき市】さかなや食堂 ウロコジュウ 刺身定食や海鮮丼など品揃えも多く、ボリュームたっぷりで脂ののった魚料理は絶品です。  また、令和6年1月31日(水)まで『ふくしま常磐ものデジタルスタンプラリー』も開催していますので、おいしい「常磐もの」を食べ、参加してみてはいかがでしょうか?  【Moving Ahead!Fukushima TOPIC vol.8】Let’s Enjoy Joban–mono!  Fish and other seafood landed off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture is called "Joban-mono" and is highly regarded in Japan for its firmness and flavor. This month, we will introduce you to four restaurants where you can taste authentic Joban-mono cuisine.  [Date City] Seafood and Tempura Restaurant Uono The proprietor of this restaurant personally visits the local market in order to purchase the best seasonal fish for his customers.  [Koriyama City] Izakaya Tavern Masugen for Dining and Drinking This restaurant serves a wide variety of reasonably priced set menus featuring fresh fish that the proprietor purchases every morning.  [Namie Town] Michi-no-eki (Roadside Station) Namie Our recommendations are a donburi (bowl of rice) topped with shirasu (baby sardines) landed at Ukedo Port or a kaisen-donburi (seafood rice bowl) made with Joban-mono  [Iwaki City] Sakanaya Shokudo Urokoju This restaurant has an extensive menu centered on fish cuisine including a selection of sashimi set meals and kaisen donburi (seafood rice bowls), and its substantial fatty fish dishes are exquisite.  Also, the Fukushima Joban-mono Digital Stamp Rally is being held until January 31, 2024 (Wed.), so why not take part in the rally and enjoy some delicious Joban-mono?」11月30日 17時35分 - realize_fukushima

福島県のインスタグラム(realize_fukushima) - 11月30日 17時35分

【先どり!ふくしまTOPIC Vol.8】「常磐もの」を堪能しよう!

【伊達市】海鮮と天ぷら 魚の(うおの)

【郡山市】お食事とお酒の店 益元


【いわき市】さかなや食堂 ウロコジュウ


【Moving Ahead!Fukushima TOPIC vol.8】Let’s Enjoy Joban–mono!

Fish and other seafood landed off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture is called "Joban-mono" and is highly regarded in Japan for its firmness and flavor. This month, we will introduce you to four restaurants where you can taste authentic Joban-mono cuisine.

[Date City] Seafood and Tempura Restaurant Uono
The proprietor of this restaurant personally visits the local market in order to purchase the best seasonal fish for his customers.

[Koriyama City] Izakaya Tavern Masugen for Dining and Drinking
This restaurant serves a wide variety of reasonably priced set menus featuring fresh fish that the proprietor purchases every morning.

[Namie Town] Michi-no-eki (Roadside Station) Namie
Our recommendations are a donburi (bowl of rice) topped with shirasu (baby sardines) landed at Ukedo Port or a kaisen-donburi (seafood rice bowl) made with Joban-mono

[Iwaki City] Sakanaya Shokudo Urokoju
This restaurant has an extensive menu centered on fish cuisine including a selection of sashimi set meals and kaisen donburi (seafood rice bowls), and its substantial fatty fish dishes are exquisite.

Also, the Fukushima Joban-mono Digital Stamp Rally is being held until January 31, 2024 (Wed.), so why not take part in the rally and enjoy some delicious Joban-mono?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



