Joel Sartoreのインスタグラム(joelsartore) - 12月13日 22時55分
The mountain yellow-legged frog is just one of many species around the globe that depends on captive breeding programs to keep from going extinct. Once quite common, it is believed that less than 200 of these frogs still exist in their home range within the state of California. This species has seen drastic declines in the last couple of decades due to a number of factors including habitat destruction, fungal diseases, climate change, air pollution, and the introduction of non-native fish species that feed on the frogs and their tadpoles. The Vredenburg Lab, where this frog was photographed, studies amphibians and investigates the impacts of the previously mentioned threats on species like the mountain yellow-legged frog using a combination of field and lab based experiments. By better understanding the role each of these threats play on the survivability of a species, researchers can help to shape future recovery efforts.
This December, we’re counting down to the anniversary of the Endangered Species Act on December 28th. Each day, we’ll feature a different species protected by this act so you can learn more about their stories. #frog #amphibian #animal #wildlife #photography #animalphotography #wildlifephotography #studioportrait #PhotoArk #HopeForSpecies @insidenatgeo
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