Joel Sartoreのインスタグラム(joelsartore) - 12月15日 23時26分
Even though there are differences in habitat and geography, all tapir calves, no matter the species, begin life looking a lot like brown-and-beige-striped watermelons. Why? This pattern and color combination serves as the perfect camouflage for these little ones as they explore their forest home and take naps on the sun-spotted forest floor. This six-day- old Malayan tapir @mnzoo will begin to lose these markings after a few months, having fully transitioned to its adult coat by the time it turns six months old.
This December, we’re counting down to the anniversary of the Endangered Species Act on December 28th. Each day, we’ll feature a different species protected by this act so you can learn more about their stories. #tapir #Malayan #calf #animal #wildlife #photography #animalphotography #wildlifephotography #studioportrait #PhotoArk #HopeForSpecies @insidenatgeo
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