TED Talksのインスタグラム(ted) - 11月2日 04時05分

TED Photo Challenge: This weekend we’re continuing the #citiesdiscovered theme with a look at street art — art that lives and breathes in public space. Brightening communities and bridging the gap between gallery walls and the public, street art is on the rise. For this challenge, we invite you to share photos of art on the streets.

Some tips to get you started: Look for street art in the nooks and crannies of your city — there might be a stencil or a sculpture hiding in an unexpected crevice. What counts as street art? That’s up to you to decide. We want to see art that you feel improves your community and shapes your daily life. Maybe it’s a vibrant mural that brightens an otherwise gray scene, or an unexpected live performance. For inspiration, check out the feeds of Brooklyn Street Art (@bkstreetart), photographer Martha Cooper (@marthacoopergram), and TEDPrize winner JR (@jr). Please post your photos using the #citiesdiscovered tag. On Monday, we’ll regram some gems and feature more in our feed at on.ted.com/cities.

Pictured above: Mural by HENSE in Lima, Peru (@hensethename).


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