Paige Hathawayのインスタグラム(paigehathaway) - 6月27日 04時26分

Anyone wanna play??
Tennis amongst many other sports.. Including soccer are activities I adored in high school. I haven't picked up a racked in 8yrs! I sat thinking the other day about all the things I "use to enjoy" & thought to myself "why did I stop playing?" Ah-
The life as a "busy working adult" & responsibilities. Then I thought to myself- Stop being lazy by being constantly “busy.” It’s easy to be busy. It justifies never having enough time to workout, to clean, cook for yourself, go out with friends, meet new people, enjoy activities and sports you use to enjoy when you were younger. Realize that every time you give in to your ‘busyness,’ it’s you who’s making the decision, not the demands of your job.

Is there something that you used to enjoy but haven't done in a long time?
I challenge you to set a day in your "busy" calendar to go out & fall in love with activities you once enjoyed! 1,2,3 #GO!


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