キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月7日 01時18分

Be brave enough to follow your dreams even when no one believes in them, while at the same time leave a little space for an alternate path to be presented. Plan and push forward, but not so much so block out the spontaneous. Sometimes it's hard to navigate the space between being strong and true to yourself as opposed to have blinders on and being stubborn. I know from experience that once you get tunnel vision towards a goal the things and people you are sometimes willing to compromise can make the final achievement of the goal less meaningful. Listen to the negative feedback from the people with whom you share the most love because their feedback will most often be constructive and not just mean-spirited named calling. Dive down below the waves and discover a place of imperturbable peace and love and learn to live from that place within yourself. No matter how turbulent the waters of life may be nor how many storms roll over the surface, at the depth level of consciousness you are always steadily flowing toward the true self. When it gets too hectic "up there" drop down "in here". Photo by @digitaldrishti Outfit by @athleta Gold tattoos by @flashtattoos


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