アメリカ自然史博物館のインスタグラム(amnh) - 6月2日 02時04分

Today is the beginning of Atlantic hurricane season.
People in other parts of the world call these storms typhoons or cyclones, but they are all the same thing: a rotating storm that forms in the tropics (that’s near the equator) and has winds of at least 74 miles per hour (119 kilometers per hour). “Hurricane” comes from Hurican, the name of an evil god for ancient peoples in the Caribbean. They took the name from Hurakan, the name the ancient Maya of Mexico gave to their god of wind and storm. For people in the tropics, these storms have always been a part of life.
In the special exhibition, Nature’s Fury: The Science of Natural Disasters, visitors can learn about historic hurricanes and assess the power of Hurricane Sandy via an interactive map of New York City, pictured here. Nature's Fury is open through August 9.


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