スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 7月23日 23時00分

“How on earth do you get weekly weights on cows, donkeys, alpacas, and goats? The scale is heavy and large, so we had to find a way to get the animals to approach the scale, step on it, and stay still. This involves a great deal of trust and patience between animal and keeper. For example, the Ossawbaw Island hogs were wary of coming into the barn. So, I built up their trust by letting them explore. Today, all of our hooved animals voluntarily climb up on the scale and get a food reward for participating. Before, we would only be able to get weights on these animals once, if at all. Now, I’m able to monitor their weight and health on a weekly basis.” – Jim Stevens, Kids’ Farm. #NZKW2015 #WeSaveSpecies


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