スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 7月24日 22時58分

“For seal and sea lion veterinary exams, the greatest challenge is to get the animals to sit still for long periods of time. Exams can involve vets touching them in vulnerable spots or sticking them with needles in order to obtain blood samples. It could be an uncomfortable or scary situation for an animal. Our keepers have built positive and strong relationships with them and interpret animals’ behaviors. When one seal, Kara, was nervous around our vets, our keepers decided to do part of Kara's exam in the water. Kara responded very positively to this change in plan, and our veterinarian was able to complete her exam.” – Rebecca Sturniolo, American Trail. #NZKW2015 #WeSaveSpecies


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