キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月8日 10時54分

#PracticePracticePractice Day 8. What does it mean to be truly strong? What if I told you that if you started today and worked every day in five years you'd get the straight leg handstand press? Would you be willing to put in the work? It took me at least that long to lift up with straight legs and another five years to keep the elbows straight and it will probably take me another fifteen years before I get back up from the L-sit. But ask yourself this: what is strength? Physical strength is one thing. But the spiritual fortitude that comes from experiencing the true self is the essence of the yoga journey. Strength is humble, quiet, and accepting. Strength is willing to pick up the pieces of a broken heart and rebuild no matter how many times it breaks or how many pieces it is shattered into. Strength is kindness in action, it is love embodied. Strength is keeping the faith even amidst difficult circumstances, believing in your miracle even when it seems hopeless. Strength is the audacity to never give up. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime #bestrong ?
Check with @beachyogagirl for her practice clip today. Share your strength today and help us raise money for @twloha ?


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