トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 2月21日 21時32分

Thank you for all of your kind words of support, I only have one more day left in hospital and they've thankfully managed to slow down my internal bleeding and get my blood pressure back up to a safe level after I was rushed in last night. The lovely staff got me a pink hospital gown and I'm basically in cave woman mode, no makeup, no deodorant, no toothbrush and I'm in my bed with my socks on and it's pretty liberating!! On the plus side I'm still alive and I get free pills and tea at the push of a button, I'll be fighting fit again in no time and can't wait to get home to give my children and animals lots of kisses and cuddles. Have a blessed day my darlings, your love and light keeps me so incredibly lifted ????????


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