トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 2月22日 01時58分

Thank you once again for all of your well wishes and kind compliments on my Hospital style, here I've teamed my pink cotton gown with industrial mesh pants and a giant sanitary towel for smart casual daywear ? I also get to drag around this dandy little stripper pole on wheels which kindly carries my medication, we've been doing the tango together to the bathroom and I've named him Paul the pole and I think we could be good together, hopefully he won't leave me anytime soon because he's hooked up to my veins and I'd imagine it could cause a messy breakup if things go sour. They've now stopped my internal bleeding which is great news and I've just had a bowl of soup and a banana and then I watched the staff mop the floor and change the soap dispensers, it was pretty epic entertainment really. A wise man once sang "always look on the bright side of life" and it always puts a smile on my face. I love my life, I love your love and friendship and I'm incredibly grateful for all who have helped me on my journey. Today is a blessing, always appreciate your health and give thanks ???????


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