[2007] New Horizons… As fate would have it, the Retail Director from my days at SDS was working at a new company, and they needed a women’s jewellery range designed. He heard I had started my own business, & reached out to see if I was interested in meeting his boss, Geoff Bainbridge,to present a collection to (It’s a small world, invest in relationships & never burn bridges! Trust me!). I agreed to meet Geoff the week before I was to sign the contract I spoke about in my previous post. I told him how I was drowning & couldn’t see a way out of my $80K debt, and I was exhausted & knew that the brand could be something more, but I just couldn’t see that anymore through the debt & pressures of running it all myself. He looked me square in the eyes & said ‘Signing over 51% of your business would be the biggest fucking mistake of your life. Don’t do it.’ ‘Well if I don’t do it, would you come on board. I want no money from you, I just want you to advise & help me set up the back end of the business. I will give you 30% equity.’ I said. Geoff was the busiest person I ever met. He was involved in more business then I could count, and was so damn smart across numbers & business structure, but also with a real integrity for brand & people. ‘Absolutely no fucking way, I’m too busy.’ He replied. I asked him again a month later, and then another month after that, his answer was always the same, & always involved profanity. After about the fifth time I asked him, he finally agreed. So I signed the promised equity over to him that day, & essentially gave him the gift of owning 30% of a hobby I started on a market table, that had a big dream with no structure, oh yeah & also comes with a side of $80K debt. Geoff saw something in my vision that was greater then $80K debt, and while the process of he & I (pictured)sorting thru the cc statements & shoebox accounting I had been running for the past two years was about as enjoyable as a tooth extraction, I knew that the brand I had been putting everything into for the past two years, was about to be given an opportunity to grow into its real potential, and so was I. - SWx #BelieveBig – LAUNCHING JUNE 12th, 2016

samanthawillsさん(@samanthawills)が投稿した動画 -

サマンサウィルスのインスタグラム(samanthawills) - 6月9日 11時53分

[2007] New Horizons…
As fate would have it, the Retail Director from my days at SDS was working at a new company, and they needed a women’s jewellery range designed. He heard I had started my own business, & reached out to see if I was interested in meeting his boss, Geoff Bainbridge,to present a collection to (It’s a small world, invest in relationships & never burn bridges! Trust me!). I agreed to meet Geoff the week before I was to sign the contract I spoke about in my previous post.

I told him how I was drowning & couldn’t see a way out of my $80K debt, and I was exhausted & knew that the brand could be something more, but I just couldn’t see that anymore through the debt & pressures of running it all myself. He looked me square in the eyes & said ‘Signing over 51% of your business would be the biggest fucking mistake of your life. Don’t do it.’
‘Well if I don’t do it, would you come on board. I want no money from you, I just want you to advise & help me set up the back end of the business. I will give you 30% equity.’ I said.
Geoff was the busiest person I ever met. He was involved in more business then I could count, and was so damn smart across numbers & business structure, but also with a real integrity for brand & people.
‘Absolutely no fucking way, I’m too busy.’ He replied.
I asked him again a month later, and then another month after that, his answer was always the same, & always involved profanity. After about the fifth time I asked him, he finally agreed. So I signed the promised equity over to him that day, & essentially gave him the gift of owning 30% of a hobby I started on a market table, that had a big dream with no structure, oh yeah & also comes with a side of $80K debt.
Geoff saw something in my vision that was greater then $80K debt, and while the process of he & I (pictured)sorting thru the cc statements & shoebox accounting I had been running for the past two years was about as enjoyable as a tooth extraction, I knew that the brand I had been putting everything into for the past two years, was about to be given an opportunity to grow into its real potential, and so was I. - SWx
#BelieveBig – LAUNCHING JUNE 12th, 2016


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




