シャーロット・デュリフのインスタグラム(chadurif) - 6月13日 03時25分

The #IFSC Vail World Cup was such a good event!
Climbing wise I'm happy: I got 13th after not sending any boulder in semis. But I am satisfy with what I gave, feeling like I am close to my goals so it will make my next training monthes very exciting ?
Watching other climbers was sooooo intense! I love watching this sport ? Big shout out to the setters for the problems which kept the tension high in the crowd.
And finally it was so good to see my friends from the international circuit again and from the US. I always feel so welcome when I go overseas ?
@petzl_official @ @eb_climbing @volxholds @luxov_connect @ffmontagne_escalade


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