Miu Miuのインスタグラム(miumiu) - 8月17日 21時06分

? @pollymorganartist for #girlinmiumiu ? “I've had little moments throughout my career when I’ve sold something particular, or achieved something that’s made me feel good, but if I ever felt as though I’d made it as an artist then I think I’d lose my motivation. I think the minute you sit back and think like that, that’s when it all dries up, and it’s important for me to keep evolving my work – both to stay relevant and, ultimately, for my own sanity. Unfortunately, that means like you live with a lot of self-doubt and self-criticism – but I think that most artists, or people in the creative industries, feel that way… most of the ones that I know, anyway!” – part 8 of 9, interview @oliviajsinger, ? @timowirsching #miumiuAUTOMNE16


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